This Summer, Soak Up The Slow   
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This Summer, Soak Up The Slow

By Judson Chaney, ND, Lac


This summer, make time to soak up some slow.

Yes, in case you were wondering, that wasn’t a typo. Summer time is a natural time of high energy and activity. The sun is out, the days are warm and long, and winter thankfully, seems ages away. Life is in bloom all around us and that energy helps to fuel and supercharge our days.

In continuing our emphasis on mindfulness in daily life, I recommend prioritizing some time to slow down this summer. Whether enjoying a day off, a weekend, or taking a vacation, remind yourself to slow down a little and enjoy. It may seem like common sense, but have you ever come back from a day off or a vacation feeling like you need a vacation? Maybe you needed to slow down a little bit...

The modern world, for most of us, is already filling the corners and spaces of our days that used to be used for daydreams. Our minds have many constant competitors for our attention, and as such are frequently occupied. Coupled with the natural fast paced energy of the season, it is no wonder summer can feel like it is over before it begins.

So do yourself a favor this summer - make it last; soak up the slow. Check the sky more and your phone less. Compare sunrise to sunset to see if one is more beautiful. Go for a walk. Count fireflies. Notice how the flowers grow and change. Do what you love, and allow yourself the space and time to love it. Above all, remind yourself to slow down and enjoy. Summer is here, let’s make it last.

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