JFK University Medical Center Foundation | Hackensack Meridian Health   

JFK University Medical Center Foundation

Philanthropy makes so much possible. The JFK University Medical Center Foundation is the tax-exempt charity that raises funds for JFK University Medical Center to aid the hospital in providing award-winning care for the community. Gifts from individuals, families, grateful patients, businesses, corporations, foundations and more are greatly appreciated. If you would like to make a donation, but would like more information, or help deciding how and what to support, our foundation team would gladly help to guide you. Thank you for considering a gift to JFK University Medical Center.

Donate to JFK University Medical Center

Contact Us

Clare Ward
Senior Vice President Development, Central and South
Hackensack Meridian Health Foundation
343 Thornall St, 7th floor
Edison, NJ 08837
Phone: 848-308-5000
Email: Clare.ward@hmhn.org

Gregory Jones
Director of Development
JFK University Medical Center Foundation
65 James Street
Edison, NJ 08820
Phone: 732-744-5534
Email: Gregory.Jones@hmhn.org

Tax ID Number
JFK University Medical Center Foundation: 22-2315044

Board of Trustees

The following is a list of individuals currently serving as board of trustee members for the JFK University Medical Center Foundation.

Chairperson: Adithya Bathena

Vice Chairperson: Mike Lombardi

Treasurer: Ankit Gupta

CEO, Hackensack Meridian Health: Robert C. Garrett, FACHE

President and Chief Development Officer, Hackensack Meridian Health Foundation: Joyce P. Hendricks

Interim Regional President, Central Market: Regina Foley, Ph.D., MBA, RN

Interim President and Chief Hospital Executive, JFK University Medical Center: Michele Morrison, MPH, BSHA, RN

Senior Vice President Development, Central and South Hackensack Meridian Health Foundation: Clare Ward

  • Vincent Amabile
  • Katie Barnes (Co-President, Auxiliary)
  • A. Joyce Busch
  • Jason Cheng
  • Mary Beth Cunningham (Co-President, Auxiliary)
  • Denise Marra Depekary, Esq.
  • Manpreet Gill
  • Venkata “Venk” Gorty
  • Michael A. Kleiman, D.M.D.
  • John F. Kwasnik, Esq.
  • John G. McDonough, D.M.D.
  • Janine M. Purcaro
  • Praful Raja
  • Steven A. Rothman
  • Peter Visceglia
  • Joseph Yewaisis

Auxiliary Partners

The Auxiliary of JFK University Medical Center Foundation, mostly staffed by a generous group of approximately 160 members, conducts many activities and programs in two general categories: fundraising and community service in support of JFK University Medical Center and various medical departments and team members throughout the year.

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