Program Details | Neuroscience Institute Residency | JFK University Medical Center   

Residency Program Details

Adult Neurology Residency

The aim of the adult neurology residency program at JFK Neuroscience Institute is to train clinically competent, compassionate neurologists who will provide excellent care for all.

The JFK Neuroscience Institute has the largest adult neurology residency program (9 residents per year) in New Jersey, and has multiple accredited fellowships available.

Our core faculty represents a growing multidisciplinary team consisting of nearly 30 neurologists, 7 neurosurgeons, 2 child neurologists, 1 physiatrist and 3 neuroscientists.

Several of our physicians have a dedicated subspecialty focus which enhances the level of experience to support education and development.

Our areas of expertise include neurovascular diseases, movement disorders, epilepsy, neuromuscular disorders, sleep disorders, headache, cognitive and behavioral disorders, neuro-ophthalmology and neuro-otology among others.

We have a balanced approach to education and service needs, with ample dedicated time for research and elective options.;

We appreciate your interest in our program and look forward to being part of the next stage in your career.


The ACGME-accredited Adult Neurology Residency Program is approved for nine categorical positions per year. 

Our curriculum is designed to balance educational and service needs while accommodating individual interests.

Residents gain experience in providing neurological care in several settings including in-patient, outpatient and NCCU. They also become proficient in performing procedures such as EMG, BoTox etc. as well as interpreting EEG, EMG and sleep studies. 

We encourage and support residents to pursue their areas of interest offering tailored experiences.


There are several conferences scheduled throughout the week, including daily morning reports, didactic sessions, interesting case discussions, subspecialty conferences etc.

In addition, there are also regular journal clubs and board review sessions, with boot camps designed specifically for incoming PGY 2 residents.

There are regularly scheduled grand rounds featuring eminent national and international speakers providing updates on all areas of neurology.

Residents are encouraged to present at local, national and international conferences and are supported to attend one conference during their training.

Contact Us

Neurology Graduate Medical Education Programs
Hackensack Meridian Neuroscience Institute at
JFK University Medical Center
65 James Street
Edison, NJ 08820
Phone: 732-632-1685 or 732-744-5613

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