Breastfeeding & Lactation Support in NJ | Hackensack Meridian Health   

Breastfeeding and Lactation Support

Hackensack Meridian Children’s Health supports the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative. Developed by UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO), the program fosters a culture of support for breastfeeding mothers in hospitals.

Our mission is to promote, support and protect the breastfeeding relationship between mother and baby.

A lactation consultant can help if:

You are worried about how your infant is eating.

You have sore nipples or breast pain.

Your pediatrician is concerned about your infant’s feeding or weight.

Your baby does not seem satisfied after most feedings.

You want to breastfeed and you are using formula for feedings.

You have questions about pumping.

You need help with a return to work plan.

You need help or support.

Outpatient breastfeeding services:

General assessment of mother and baby for breastfeeding management

Evaluation of breast milk intake during feeding

Feeding strategies to support successful lactation

Assistance with establishing good milk supply

Assistance with breastfeeding premature babies or multiple births

Managing sore nipples and other sources of breast discomfort during feedings

Evaluation of low/slow weight gain in baby

Preparation for return to work – pumping management

Re-establishing milk supply/breastfeeding after interruption

Treatment of engorgement, plugged duct, thrush or mastitis

More Information

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Hospital Support and Location Information

For non-urgent issues, call our lactation numbers below to speak with an international board- certified lactation consultant. For urgent concerns that require immediate attention, please contact your pediatrician.

Across our network, we offer prenatal, childbirth, breastfeeding, and baby care classes. Check-out our virtual and/or in-person classes, led by board-certified educators. View All Classes

Center for Breastfeeding

1945 Route 33, Neptune, NJ 07753

Lactation number: 732-776-3329
Support groups: 732-776-4281
JSUMC New Parent & Breastfeeding Classes

*office and telehealth visits offered

Internal lactation number and outpatient lactation consultants: 201-520-4785
Pump rental: 201-520-4785
Support groups: 201-295-4823

Lactation number: 732-776-3329
Support groups: 732-776-4281

Center for Breastfeeding

27 South Cooks Bridge Road, Jackson, NJ 08527

*office and telehealth visits offered

Frequently Asked Questions

Put your infant skin to skin on your chest and look for signs of hunger:

  • Opening the mouth
  • Licking lips
  • Sucking
  • Putting hands to the face
  • Your newborn baby is breastfeeding 8-12 times every 24 hours.
  • By Day 4, your baby has at least 3-4 yellow seedy stools every 24 hours.
  • Number of wet diapers increases every day.
  • Day 2, look for 2 wet diapers every 24 hours.
  • Days 3-4, look for 3 or more wet diapers every 24 hours.
  • By Day 5, wet diapers should be more frequent, usually 6 or more every 24 hours.
  • You can hear or see your baby swallowing/gulping during breastfeeding.
  • You do not feel nipple pain after initial latch on.
  • Your baby is receiving only breast milk.
Breastfeeding often minimizes engorgement, a temporary overfilling of your breasts. It also helps to hand-express, or squeeze out, a little breast milk before each feeding. Your body should adjust to produce only as much milk as your baby needs. In the meantime, you can use over-the-counter pain medicine to relieve pain. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen will not harm your baby. Cold compresses between breastfeeding sessions also may reduce pain and swelling. If you continue to experience problems, contact a lactation consultant or your doctor.

Ask your doctor, nurse, or lactation consultant if you are holding your baby correctly. Also, try:

  • Breastfeeding on the side that is less sore.
  • Tucking your baby under your arm like a football with your arm cradling the head. This position puts the baby’s lips in a different place on your breast.
  • Letting expressed milk dry on your nipples between feedings.
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