What Causes Hip Pain at Night?   

What Causes Hip Pain at Night?

Clinical Contributors to this story:
Jeffrey H. Charen, M.D.
Sleep should be a restorative process for our bodies, but for some people, it triggers pain that can keep them awake.

Lying down can put strain on our hips in a few ways:

  • If you sleep on your side, you are applying direct force to the hip that is down.
  • The hip that is raised can pull down on tendons and muscle.
  • Even sleeping on your back can cause awkward stress on your pelvis.

“Any kind of pain at rest is not normal and is a sign of injury or illness,” says Jeffrey Charen, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon at JFK University Medical Center and Raritan Bay Medical Center . “If you are experiencing persistent pain while resting, it’s time to get help from your doctor.”

Common Causes of Hip Pain at Night

These are some of the most common causes of hip pain you may experience while lying down or sleeping. Talk with your doctor if your pain doesn’t go away or gets worse. 

Hip Arthritis

As we age, our chances of developing arthritis increase. If you’re over age 45, arthritis could be the cause of your hip pain. Arthritis is a broad term used to describe the deterioration of joints from a variety of causes, including disease and wear and tear.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of hip arthritis and can affect people at any age. It typically causes pain and stiffness in your hip, your thigh, groin or glutes and can hurt more in the morning or after you’ve been sitting down for a while. The pain can make it difficult to get in or out of a car or bend down to tie your shoe. 

Regular physical activity can help relieve arthritis pain, as well as over-the-counter treatment, massage and acupuncture. Be sure to talk to your doctor about treatment options. 

Hip Tendinitis

If you’re under 45 years old, it’s less likely that arthritis is causing your hip pain. You could have tendonitis—the inflammation of a tendon—which is usually felt near a joint.

Lower back pain can commonly show up as hip pain. Some people develop this condition from overuse in recreational activities or even in the workplace.
Tendonitis can usually be treated with rest, stretching, strengthening exercises and precautions to prevent reinjury. If these measures don’t provide relief, your doctor can suggest other therapies or surgery if necessary.

Hip Bursitis

Like tendonitis, bursitis is an inflammatory condition usually caused by overuse, such as from running, cycling or stair-climbing. It affects small sacs of fluid that cushion joints. “Bursitis usually goes away on its own with rest,” says Dr. Charen. “But If it persists, talk to your doctor. You may find relief from medication, assistive devices, therapy or surgery. ”

Tight Muscles

Hip pain while sleeping could also be due to tight muscles in your back, buttocks, legs and abdomen, which can pull your thigh bone and cause discomfort. Light stretching can typically relieve this tension.

When to See A Doctor for Hip Pain

It’s time to visit an orthopedic doctor if your hip pain doesn’t go away or gets worse. The sooner you identify the source of your pain, the sooner you can get on a path to treatment, healing and recovery.

Next Steps & Resources:

The material provided through HealthU is intended to be used as general information only and should not replace the advice of your physician. Always consult your physician for individual care.

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