Quiz: Boost Your Brain Health   

Quiz: Boost Your Brain Health

 A model of the human brain is displayed next to a set of hand weights.

Take our quiz to test what you know about improving your brain’s ability to learn and remember.

  1. True or false: Learning new things improves your memory.

  1. What foods can help boost your brain health?

A: Green, leafy vegetables
B: Fatty fish such as salmon and canned tuna
C: Walnuts and berries
D: All of the above

  1. Which of the following is NOT true?
    1. Walking every day may decrease the risk of dementia.
    2. Certain meditation can aid in memory.
    3. High cortisol levels improve memory.

  1. How many hours of sleep are recommended for optimal brain health?

A: 4
B: 10
C: 7
D: There is no standard.  



  1. True: Taking a class or trying a new hobby has been shown to keep brain cells stimulated, improving overall function.
  2. D: All of the above.
  3. C: Overproduction of the stress hormone cortisol has been linked to memory loss.
  4. C: Researchers at Cambridge found that seven hours of sleep is best for cognition and memory.

Source: University of Cambridge research 

Next Steps & Resources:

  • Learn more about neurology care at Hackensack Meridian Health
  • To make an appointment with a neuroscience specialist near you, call 800-822-8905 or visit our website.

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