Mom of Three Teens Overcomes Rare Tumor in Her Chest   

Mom of Three Teens Overcomes Rare Tumor in Her Chest

Jarmila Mallick standing on a bridge in the woods, smiling.

At age 52, Jarmila Mallick was an active, busy mom of three teenagers. She ran two miles every day and had physicals, check-ups and regular screenings as recommended. She seemed to be in perfect health. 

But on December 16, 2022, Jarmila woke up in the middle of the night with sharp chest pain. “I thought I was having a heart attack,” she says.

She woke up her husband, who took her immediately to the nearest hospital. In the ER after several tests and exams, she was told that her heart was fine, but she had a large tumor in her chest that was pushing on her lung and trachea. 

This news prompted Jarmila to begin looking for a doctor who could help. The first surgeon Jarmila met with said her case was beyond his capability and recommended that she contact Faiz Bhora, M.D., FACS, professor and regional chair of Surgery and chief of Thoracic Surgery Central Region at JFK University Medical Center.

A week later, she met with Dr. Bhora, who agreed to take on her case and do the surgery. Jarmila was thrilled that someone could help. 

Finding the Right Approach

Jarmila had a rare, slow-growing benign tumor called a schwannoma. Since its growth was so slow, Jarmila’s body adapted and she hadn’t experienced many noticeable symptoms. 

Seventeen years prior, she began to notice something odd: After a run, only half of her face would get red and sweaty. But that was it. 

But now, the tumor had finally reached a size that caused enough compression for symptoms to be felt, resulting in its discovery.

Jarmila’s case was difficult. “Since the tumor was so large and essentially occupied the upper third of Jarmila’s right chest, removing it safely without injuring the vessels and nerves to the arm and major vessels arising from the heart was a real challenge,” Dr. Bhora says. 

Due to the mass’s size, Dr. Bhora had to figure out the best approach. He collaborated with a vascular and spinal surgeon to make sure the tumor wasn’t growing into the spine or various veins. Finally, after everything was carefully prepared, Jarmila had surgery to remove the tumor on March 13, 2023.

“It was difficult to see the structures behind the tumor, and a significant part of the operation was done by tactile feel and very careful dissection,” Dr. Bhora says.

New Lease on Life

The surgery was a success, and Dr. Bhora and his team were able to remove the entire tumor. A few months after her surgery, Jarmila says: “I’m doing fantastic. I’m back to yoga and almost pain free.” 

She walks about two miles a day. She’s starting to get back to running, but it’s still a bit difficult. She recently returned to work and is getting back to her everyday life.

Jarmila says that this experience has changed her outlook on life. “I’m so grateful for every day,” she says. “Working with Dr. Bhora and his team was the best experience. Dr. Bhora is not only a brilliant surgeon, but he is also kind and compassionate.”

Dr. Bhora says his team aims to lead with quality. “Every patient is treated as a unique individual and not a number,” he says. 

Next Steps & Resources:

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