Southern Ocean Medical Center Receives Gift from Maximilian Foundation to Educate Students on Dangers of Substance Abuse   

Southern Ocean Medical Center Receives Gift from Maximilian Foundation to Educate Students on Dangers of Substance Abuse

On Friday, April 27, officials of Hackensack Meridian Health Southern Ocean Medical Center received a $5,000 gift from The Maximilian Foundation to further expand Project Aware in Ocean County.  The one-of-a-kind dramatic presentation informs and educates sixth-graders about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse through realistic, dramatic presentations of real-life details that connect with students’ lives and experiences. During the impactful presentation, students learn the consequences of making bad choices and discover that they have the power to make smart decisions.

The Maximilian Foundation was founded in 2014 with the purpose of preventing self-destructive behavior through substance abuse. The Foundation is dedicated to supporting programs designed to strengthen individuals, build character and confidence, thus allowing children and adolescents to better cope with life’s challenges, develop strong life skills, and learn to believe in themselves.

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