Virtual reality surgery offered at JFK Medical Center   

Virtual reality surgery offered at JFK Medical Center

JFK Neuroscience Institute chair Thomas Steineke, M.D.,  discusses the importance of patient engagement when it comes to treating brain disorders through the Precision Virtual Reality® medical visualization platform by Surgical Theater. He states that “in the virtual reality environment, you can show patients their tumor and how it’s affecting surrounding nerves or tissue.” Tamara Mangum, a South Plainfield resident who was diagnosed with Moyamoya disease, said the technology “put images of my brain into a 3D imaging system that enhanced all of my blood vessels and allowed me to see exactly what he was seeing.” “These insights gave Tamara the confidence that the surgery was the right thing to do even though she physically felt fine. Overall, Surgical Theater’s technology helps enhance navigation capabilities and precision for surgeons on the operative planning side while also promoting patient engagement, which helps patients better understand their own anatomy and pathology,” continued Dr. Steineke.


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