Laurence Harbor Woman Loses 100 Pounds in a Year   

Laurence Harbor Woman Loses 100 Pounds in a Year

Woman stands on a dock looking out at the water smiling.

It’s said that “it takes a village” to accomplish challenging goals.

In the case of Daisy Velez of Laurence Harbor, New Jersey, it was bariatric surgeon Ayotunde O. Adeyeri, M.D., and his team who guided Daisy through a more than 100-pound weight loss in a year. The team is still there for her as she continues her weight-loss journey.

“I am so glad I am a patient with Dr. Adeyeri’s medical group,” Daisy says.

Daisy was referred to Dr. Adeyeri, bariatric and general surgeon and director of the bariatric surgery program at Old Bridge Medical Center, in early 2016 for the successful removal of part of her colon with cancerous polyps. Dr. Adeyeri removed the polyps laparoscopicallyin July 2016 but knew Daisy’s peak weight of more than 350 pounds put her at risk for certain types of cancer. He recommended Daisy consider surgical weight loss to improve her overall health.

Unfortunately, at the time, Daisy’s health insurance did not cover the procedure, so she couldn’t pursue it. A few years later, after getting a new job and more comprehensive insurance, she was able to consider surgical weight loss.

Eat Less of What You Enjoy

Daisy reached back out to Dr. Adeyeri because of the compassionate care provided and the trust they had built. He recommended gastric bypass, which creates a small pouch inside the stomach, then connects that directly to the small intestine, leaving the rest of the stomach in place.

Dr. Adeyeri performed the procedure on April 28, 2022. It allowed Daisy to eventually stop five medications for diabetes. Since then, she has dropped from her largest size 30 to an 18, and she’s aiming for a 14 by the time she takes a vacation to Panama City, Panama, in fall 2023. 

Guided by Dr. Adeyeri’s registered nurse, Daisy enjoys satisfying smaller portions of foods like healthy protein cheesesteaks, high-protein soups and protein cappuccinos, all boosted by her daily multivitamin and plenty of water. 

“I don’t try to deny myself, or I’ll cheat and go back to my ‘old ways,’” Daisy says. “Find what you enjoy eating or this won’t work if you don’t like what you’re supposed to eat.”

She also walks briskly on her treadmill for up to an hour most mornings, takes stairs when she can and uses light weights to strengthen her arms. 

Daisy knows support can make such a difference, so she tries to attend Dr. Adeyeri’s monthly meetings, in-person or virtual, for bariatric surgery patients. She’s thrilled to be able to offer heartfelt advice to those at the beginning of their weight-loss journey who ask the same questions she had early on.

Daisy says she’s a stress eater or emotional eater. She admits that her father’s previous pancreatic cancer diagnosis and her mother’s recent kidney cancer diagnosis—as well as the past rigors of COVID-19 and her own cancer surgery—have understandably added to her worries. Yet, she’s determined to stay the course of her weight loss.

Progress Trumps Perfection 

Dr. Adeyeri says he may treat up to 100 bariatric patients a year, each of whom has a very different story. He says Daisy’s positive attitude has helped her maintain focus, with her weight down to 256 pounds during her most recent visit.

Still, it’s not just the outward signs of weight loss that matter, he says. What can’t be seen, as with Daisy, are those inner changes that include eliminating diabetes as a risk factor for her.

“Daisy was mentally ready to do this,” Dr. Adeyeri says. “I tell my patients that perfection is not the goal—progress is, just like putting one foot in front of the other.”

He credits Daisy with being an avid learner about a complex topic deeply personal to her. “She knows what she doesn’t know and welcomes the help,” he says. “Life will always happen, and nobody can predict that. It’s how you handle it that matters.”

Next Steps & Resources:

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