Golfer Back on the Fairway After Hip Replacement

April 26, 2024
Seventy-five-year-old Jac Graves has boundless energy and grit. When the avid golfer and food bank volunteer started to experience hip pain and stiffness that made it difficult to climb up to the tee box or stand for long periods, he tried to soldier on. But as the golf season continued, his discomfort intensified, particularly after standing or playing for a few hours.
By the next season, Jac was in significant pain and adjusted his golf swing to compensate. He needed multiple over-the-counter pain relievers to get through a round. Additionally, he started having issues with unloading and loading the food trucks while volunteering at his church due to his condition.
In search of relief, Jac made an appointment with Harlan Levine, M.D., a fellowship-trained, board-certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in total joint replacement surgery at Hackensack University Medical Center.
“Jac came to see me at a point in his hip disease where he was quite uncomfortable,” Dr. Levine said. “He is very active and he has a tremendous energy about him that was just slightly dimmed as a result of his hip arthritis.”
Best Course of Action for Hip Disease
When patients like Jac first visit Dr. Levine, he assesses who they are, what’s bothering them, and what will allow them to return to their normal level of function.
“Sometimes that’s medication,” Dr. Levine said. “Sometimes that’s therapy. Sometimes that’s just words of encouragement. But often patients are past that with their hip or their knee disease, and they actually need surgery—and that’s part of what we try to figure out.”
Dr. Levine works together with his patients to consider if surgery or nonoperative management fit into where they are and what will serve them best over the next five or 10 years and, ultimately, the remainder of their lives.
Jac shared how hip disease was affecting his quality of life, and following a long discussion with Dr. Levine, they jointly decided that hip replacement was the best course of action.
“He went through a hip replacement, has done wonderfully in his recovery, and is back on the golf course, and in his community, sharing his passion, love and joy,” Dr. Levine said. “Everywhere he goes, he is an inspiration to those around him. He is a lot of fun in the office and has been a very joyful patient to care for.”
Hip Replacement Restores Joy and Quality of LIfe
The doctor explained that he strives to use the latest surgical techniques to provide pain relief, restore function, and improve quality of life.
“Jac is a wonderful example of how patients living with significant arthritic disease can come in, have a successful treatment, in this case that included surgery, and really get back to who they are,” Dr. Levine said.
Following his hip surgery in early January 2023, Jac was back on the golf course by late spring and played through the rest of the season.
“The greatest joy in being a hip and knee surgeon is seeing patients come back after a successful surgery with a smile on their face and a thank you and telling me about all the wonderful things that they’re able to do once again without pain, whether it’s playing golf in Jac’s case or getting back to work, travel, or playing with their grandkids.” Dr. Levine said. “Often patients will come in for a post-operative visit, and they don’t remember which side they had surgery on. Those are the best stories. Their surgery has been wonderfully impactful in their life, and as a surgeon, there really is no greater satisfaction.”
Next Steps & Resources:
- Meet our source: Harlan Levine, M.D.
- To make an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon near you, call 800-822-8905 or visit our website.
- Learn more about orthopedics at Hackensack Meridian Health.
The material provided through HealthU is intended to be used as general information only and should not replace the advice of your physician. Always consult your physician for individual care.