Joseph M. Sanzari Children’s Hospital Conducts Research on Childhood Cancer Survivorship
Program aimed at increasing survival rates and addressing unique challenges
In connection with its survivorship program at Joseph M. Sanzari Children’s Hospital, clinicians are conducting a series of research studies to improve the lives and health of survivors of pediatric cancer and bone marrow transplants.
“In recent decades, as more patients have survived pediatric cancers, it has become important to study interventions and support for these populations to ensure quality of life and continued wellness,” said Katharine Lange, M.D. “We are pleased to be spearheading a number of studies that aim to improve the survivorship experience for these patients as they continue their lives.”
The survivorship program is currently conducting the following research projects:
- BRIDGES: An intervention trial targeted at patients who have completed therapy and will transition to survivorship care. This study randomly assigns the survivorship care to be provided either at our specialized clinic, or through their primary care provider with our support and education.
- StayWell: This program aims to enroll all survivors on a research registry to facilitate survivorship research.
- Nourish T+: This intervention trial offers nutritional counseling for parents of childhood cancer survivors.
- ALTE21C1: This is a COG protocol to assess Clonal Hematopoiesis and its relationship to Cardiovascular disease in Hodgkin Lymphoma survivors
Learn more about pediatric oncology advancements at Hackensack Meridian Children’s Health.

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