DynaCAD Prostate Cancer MRI Analysis Tool Available at HUMC   

Hackensack University Medical Center First in New Jersey to Acquire DynaCAD Prostate Cancer MRI Analysis Tool

Advanced visualization gives real-time review of multi-parametric MRI studies for efficient workflow and precise image data


Hackensack University Medical Center recently brought the DynaCAD Prostate advanced visualization for prostate MRI analysis into clinical care—the first hospital in New Jersey to do so.

The DynaCAD Prostate visualization system provides the urological care team with tools for real-time analysis, review and reporting of multi-parametric MRI studies. This new technology investment creates time and workflow efficiency by transferring images directly from the MRI to DynaCAD. Automatic post-processing tools and display allows customized hanging protocols for analysis and reporting.

Importantly, this new technology can be used to better harmonize the MRI with HUMC’s focal therapy program so that patients receive precision treatment of their cancer.

The dedicated DynaCAD Urology platform brings multiple tools under a centralized platform to support diagnosis and risk-stratification of prostate cancer for Hackensack Medical Center patients: MRI visualization and computer-aided diagnostics, preparation and mark-up for fusion-guided biopsies and mapping of the cancerous areas within the prostate.

In addition to diagnosis pathway benefits, DynaCAD Urology bridges the gap between optimized diagnostics and targeted treatment by allowing the urology team to use images as well as tumor characteristics and location within the Focal One Robotic HIFU platform to precisely target and ablate the diseased portion of the prostate without damaging surrounding healthy tissue.

Multi-parametric MRI imaging of the prostate is often preferable in addition to prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening for prostate cancer.

“Hackensack University Medical Center’s investment in DynaCAD Prostate means we can offer more efficient and precise care for patients while streamlining workflow and enhancing imaging analysis capabilities for our multidisciplinary prostate cancer care team,” said Dr. Nitin Yerram, Co-Director of Urologic Oncology, Director of Urologic Research at Hackensack University Medical Center.

Learn more about our urological care innovations.


If you are a patient looking for expert urology care at Hackensack Meridian Health, please visit our urology services page to learn about our specialties, find locations, and schedule appointments. 

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