Hackensack University Medical Center Finds Success with Water Vapor Thermal Therapy for Lower Urinary Tract
Urologists see relief of urinary frequency and urgency in patients who can receive device-based treatment in-office or administer at home
In clinical practice, urologists at Hackensack University Medical Center have found that patients experience relief of difficult-to-treat lower urinary tract symptoms with vapor thermal therapy.
This treatment involves use of a device that delivers warm, moist air to the lower urinary tract through a specially designed catheter. The warm, moist air helps relax the muscles of the lower urinary tract, which can improve chronic symptoms such as urinary frequency and urgency. It may also help reduce pain and inflammation.
Mubashir Shabil Billah, M.D., Attending, Department of Urology, Hackensack University Medical Center, and colleagues have observed significant patient benefits.
Water vapor thermal therapy is generally well-tolerated and has few side effects. Another plus, the therapy can be performed in a medical office or at home with a portable device. With proper patient education and health care-provided instructions, patients are able to safely and effectively use the device at home, bringing added comfort and convenience.
“Some individuals may experience mild discomfort or pain during the treatment, but this is usually temporary and can be relieved with over-the-counter pain medication,” Dr. Billah said.
Overall, the team has found water vapor thermal therapy a useful treatment option for many individuals with lower urinary tract symptoms and now often recommend this non-pharmacological, device-based therapy.
Learn more about innovative urological care at Hackensack University Medical Center.

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