Addiction Treatment in New Jersey | Hackensack Meridian Health   

New Jersey Addiction Treatment

Admitting you have an addiction can be difficult, and asking for help to overcome that addiction can seem overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be. New Jersey addiction treatment is available if you are ready to take the first step toward recovery.

Getting the help you need for your substance use disorder starts with understanding the types of rehab and treatments that are available and which fit your needs.

At Blake Recovery Center, we offer comprehensive addiction treatment programs, including detox, residential care and outpatient services. Our only priority is your success and recovery.

Call us now at 800-933-3579 if you are ready to get started.

At Blake Recovery Center, our inpatient addiction treatment programs provide the highest level of care for all types of addictions, including alcohol, prescription drug, heroin, fentanyl, benzodiazepines and opiates. Our team includes dedicated addiction counselors with years of experience, as well as therapists who are specialized in grief counseling, trauma treatment and addressing co-occurring disorders. 

As an inpatient at Blake Recovery Center, our team will be with you at every step of your recovery, from detox to completion and beyond.

We recognize that every person's path towards recovery is unique, so we work closely with each patient to develop an individualized treatment plan that fits their needs and lifestyle.

Detox as Part of Addiction Treatment

Detoxing from drugs or alcohol is an important step on the journey toward recovery and sobriety. At Blake Recovery Center, we provide a safe and supportive environment under the supervision of our medical team. 

Detox can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the substance used, how much and for how long. But our team will stay with you every step of the way, helping you manage withdrawal symptoms and providing emotional support.

Therapies as Part of Addiction Rehab

We use a variety of therapeutic strategies to help you learn to manage triggers, develop healthy coping skills and identify the underlying issues that may contribute to your addiction.

Therapies may include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy encourages people to identify their core beliefs and assumptions about themselves, learn to recognize negative thoughts and replace them with healthier ones.
  • Dialectical behavior therapy focuses on learning to manage emotions, regulate behaviors and reduce distress.
  • Therapeutic group sessions, during which trained facilitators educate participants and encourage individuals to share their experiences to support and learn from each other. 

Outpatient treatment is an ideal option for people who need flexibility in their treatment program, for those who may have already completed an inpatient program and for those who do not require rehab and detox services.

During the early stages of recovery, an outpatient program can help you:

  • Practice problem-solving and coping skills to help you deal with life's challenges without substance use
  • Manage cravings and urges to use alcohol or drugs
  • Address challenges that may be adding to the addiction
  • Establish recovery support within your community

Our intensive outpatient program (IOP) typically includes group meetings three times a week for sessions that last about three hours each. We can also connect you with our medical experts, who can tailor a plan for your success. 

Even after you complete an addiction treatment program at Blake Recovery Center, we remain committed to your long-term success. We provide continuing care to help you stay on track. This includes:

  • Individualized aftercare plans
  • Follow-up calls and check-ins after you are discharged from one of our addiction treatment programs
  • Regular alumni virtual support groups
  • Support groups for family members of alumni
  • In-person events for alumni and their family members

Get Help Today. 

Contact Blake Recovery Center’s New Jersey Addiction Treatment Program

As a not-for-profit rehab center, Blake Recovery Center has no goal but to see you recover and stay the course. We provide:

  • Personalized care
  • Highly skilled and experienced team members who deliver care with compassion
  • Access to the most innovative therapies 
  • Family support
  • After-program support

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, our team of compassionate and professional team members is ready to help. To speak with our addiction admissions team, call us at 800-933-3579.

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