Pastoral Care Services and Education | Hackensack Meridian Health   

Pastoral Care Services and Education

Pastoral Care professionals provide compassionate pastoral ministry to all people by supporting them emotionally and spiritually in times of sorrow and suffering as well as moments of joyful celebration. We are here for you when:
  • Your life has been disrupted by a hospitalization
  • You have experienced the loss of a loved one
  • You received a difficult diagnosis
  • You need support discussing and making difficult decisions
  • You want to celebrate a joyful event
  • You want prayer from your faith tradition
  • You want to connect with clergy/spiritual leader within your faith tradition
  • You want to talk about your life journey
  • You want to explore your spirituality and discuss finding deeper meaning

Patients can expect to be visited by Chaplains, Chaplain Interns, Volunteer Clergy and/or Pastoral Care volunteers from various faith traditions. Visits with a Catholic Priest, Rabbi, or other clergy can be arranged upon request by asking the nurse assigned to your care or by family members contacting Pastoral Care Services.

Clinical Pastoral Education Program

Hackensack Meridian Health also offers a Clinical Pastoral Education Program for ministry training accredited by the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy.

Our program is dedicated to teaching, training and transforming the whole person for ministry serving congregational or institutional settings. Trainees are challenged to think theologically about all aspects of life while developing leadership skills in ministry to journey with others without regard to religious tradition or faith background.

To apply online, click here.

For information on the CPE program contact or call 732-321-7512.

Pastoral Care Department: 732-739-5832

Place for prayer or meditation: 3 North; Open 24 hours

Sacramental ministry: Requesting religious resources, such as prayer books, rituals, sacraments, and (for patients of Roman Catholic faith) daily communion. Facilitate clergy visits from patient/family religious tradition

Pastoral Care Department:551-996-2345 or; 3rd floor Link Building

Place for prayer/meditation:

  • Chapel on 3 Link - open 24 hours
  • Meditation Room, Joseph M. Sanzari Children’s Hospital Ground Floor - open 24 hours

Sacramental Ministry:

  • For all Faith Traditions: Prayers, blessings, religious resources, books, rituals, and sacraments are provided upon request
  • Morning Reflection, Monday through Friday, at 9 a.m. and broadcast on channel 64
  • Daily services of Catholic priests to proactively round on newly admitted Catholic patients, provide religious support, services and counseling, perform sacraments, offer communion and blessings, hear confessions and bless religious articles, such as rosary beads
  • Catholic Mass at 12 p.m. daily in the Chapel and broadcast on channel 64
  • Please contact the department for information on the Protestant, Jewish and Muslim services
  • For Muslims Traditions: Prayer rugs are available in the Chapel

Additional services for patients and visitors of the Jewish faith include:

  • Kosher food menu upon request
  • Kosher Pantries. Stocked by the Bikur Cholim, and are currently available in the following locations:
    • 4 Main
    • 5 Children’s (5W)
    • 5 Children’s (5E), which is for pediatric oncology patients only
  • Kosher refrigerators with pantry items and hot water on the Sabbath upon request
  • Hospitality Room. Available upon request for use by spouse or family member during the Sabbath or holiday periods is available. The room contains facilities for sleeping, showering, eating (complete with Kosher pantry), or just resting
  • Sabbath elevators in the Donna A. Sanzari Women’s Hospital and Joseph M. Sanzari Children’s Hospital
  • Sabbath Candles (battery operated). Available upon request
  • Sukkah. During Sukkos, a Sukkah is available to the right of the Emergency Department entrance to the Medical Center
  • Hospital/Community Liaison. Available upon request by contacting the Pastoral Care Department
  • Patient Advocate. The Bikur Cholim of Bergen County has a wide range of programs that can alleviate the concerns of patients and their families and provide for the various needs associated with hospitalization. They are available 24 hours through their hotline at 201-579-3066
  • Prayer books and cards are available in the pastoral care department and upon request

Pastoral Care Department Hotline available 24/7: 908-670-6471

Place for Prayer/Meditation: Young Interfaith Chapel, first floor, Booker Pavilion, open 24 hours

Additional services include:

  • Religious Literature. Bibles, Torahs, Korans, interfaith prayer books, devotionals, upon request
  • Sacramental Services. baptisms, blessings, communion, upon request
  • Catholic Mass. Wednesday and Friday at noon, Young Interfaith Chapel and broadcast on channel 48
  • Muslim prayer. Fridays at 1, Young Chapel, Booker 1
  • NODA no one dies alone. Trained community volunteers offer compassionate companionship for patients with no family who are transitioning at the end of life
  • Code Lavender Cart. Support for team members and families: Includes lavender, water, snacks, literature, etc.
  • Bioethics consults through chaplain hotline
  • Bikur Cholim. Kosher food pantry, Shabbat candles, refrigerators available upon request
  • Spiritual Recharge Station in Northwest Atrium, and outside chapel in Booker 1, offering multifaith literature, prayer request box, list of local faith leaders offering to be prayer partners, a list of spiritual phone apps

Pastoral Care Department Hotline available 24/7: Email:; Office phone: 732-321-7512

After Hours and On-call:

  • Hospital Operator: 732-321-7000
  • For On-Call Duty Chaplain: Pager #1111
  • For On-Call Priest: Pager #1200

Place for Prayer/Meditation: A Place of Prayer for All Faiths - second floor, main corridor, open 24 hours

Additional services include:

  • Daily Reflection and Prayer Service for all faith traditions: 12 p.m. at A Place for Prayer and broadcasted on CCTV channel 27.
  • Religious and emotional support for sudden death or end of life: Available upon demand via EPIC, telephone or pager
  • Information on additional services is posted on the bulletin board at the entrance of A Place of Prayer
  • Sacramental Ministry:
    • For all Faith Traditions. Prayers, blessings, religious resources, books, rituals, and sacraments are provided upon request
    • For Roman Catholics. Prayers, blessings, Communion, Anointing of the Sick, or Confession are conducted by the Priest and Eucharistic Ministers upon request
    • For Muslims Traditions. Prayer rugs are available in A Place of Prayer
    • For Jewish Traditions. For Shabbot Kosher food is available from the Bikur Cholim Hospitality Pantry. During Sukkot, a Sukkah is available on the 3rd floor. Refrigerators available upon request
    • For Hindu Tradition. Available upon request

Learn more about pastoral care services here.

Pastoral Care Department: 732-840-3297

Bikur Cholim: 866-905-3020

Place for Prayer/Meditation: Chapel, first floor across from B Elevators, open 24 hours

Other services for patients and visitors of the Jewish faith include:

  • Sabbath Entrance. On the Sabbath or during holidays, visitors can enter through the revolving doors in the Main Visitor Entrance from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. or by standing outside the Emergency Room entrance. Our security personnel have been alerted to your needs and will open the doors for you
  • Kosher food menu upon request
  • Kosher Pantries. Stocked by the Bikur Cholim, and are currently available in two locations:
    • Fourth Floor
    • Maternity — 3rd Floor
  • Kosher refrigerators with pantry items and hot water on the Sabbath upon request
  • Hospitality Room. Available upon request for use by spouse or family member during the Sabbath or holiday periods is available. The room contains facilities for sleeping, showering, eating (complete with Kosher pantry), or just resting
  • Sabbath Candles (battery operated). Available upon request
  • Map of Stairwells.
  • Available upon request at the Greeter Desk at the Main Visitor Entrance, Emergency Department Entrance or the Office of Patient Experience
  • Sukkah. During Sukkos, a Sukkah is available to the right of the Emergency Department entrance to the Medical Center
  • Hospital/Community Liaison. Available upon request by contacting the Pastoral Care Department or Office of Patient Experience
  • Patient Advocate. The Bikur Cholim of Lakewood has a wide range of programs that can alleviate the concerns of patients and their families and provide for the various needs associated with hospitalization. They are available 24 hours through their hotline at 1-866-905-3020
  • Prayer books are available in the chapel and in the pastoral care departments

Pastoral Care Department: 732-360-1000 x5314

Place for prayer/meditation: Chapel, located next to the main lobby, open 24 hours

Sacramental ministry: Requesting religious resources, such as prayer books, rituals, sacraments, and (for patients of Roman Catholic faith) daily communion

Pastoral Care Department: 201-854-5794

Place for prayer/meditation: Located in the Harborage Lobby across from the reception desk. The Harborage is accessible from the medical center via the first floor corridor - open 24 hours

Sacramental ministry:

  • For all Faith Traditions. Prayers, blessings, religious resources, books, rituals, and sacraments are provided upon request
  • For Roman Catholics. Communion upon request

Pastoral Care Department: 201-383-1847 or 201-383-1848

Place for prayer/meditation: Chapel, located in the main lobby, open 24 hours

Sacramental ministry: Pastoral Counselors available throughout week and weekend. Facilitate clergy visits from patient/family religious traditions

Pastoral Care Department: 732-324-5314

Place for prayer/meditation: Chapel, located in the main lobby, open 24 hours

Sacramental ministry: Requesting religious resources, such as prayer books, rituals, sacraments, and (for patients of Roman Catholic faith) daily communion

Pastoral Care Department: 732-530-2720

Place for prayer/meditation: Chapel located on the 1st floor next to Marshall Entrance, open 24 hours

Sacramental ministry: Requesting religious resources, such as prayer books, rituals, sacraments, and (for patients of Roman Catholic faith) daily communion

Office of Patient Experience: 609-978-3833

Pastoral Care Department: 609-597-6011 x2373

  • On site Board Certified Clinical Chaplain and Pastoral Counselor Monday through Thursday. Volunteer Ecumenical Chaplain Team available throughout week and weekend

Place for Prayer/Meditation: Chapel, located in the lobby to the right of the main desk, open 24 hours

  • Altar for worship
  • Comfortable and private meeting spot
  • Brochures: AA Local Meeting Lists, Daily Bread Booklets, Interfaith Health and Support Services

Sacramental ministry:

  • Religious resources: prayer books, rituals, sacraments, rosaries and (for patients of Roman Catholic faith) Communion upon request

Interfaith Health & Support Services of Ocean County: 609-978-3839

  • Supports Seniors and their Caregivers. Many free services including but not limited to - homebound visitation, grocery shopping, drivers to medical visits, reassurance visits and more

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